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My intuition is my Guru.

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

My Intuition is my guide.

Having worked with so many and in my own suffering you need, you must learn to act and to stop ignoring your intuition.

Ignoring my intuition the feeling is what invited Rosacea to my face.

I went against my grain my alignment for years because I was so caught up in my conditioning & my convincing mind cycles resulting in my bright red nose, chin and hideous soul crushing symptoms.

Intuition is your guru. It is your wisdom. It is you knowing. It is your YES & NO. It is your direction. It is your healing. It is YOU.

Learning to trust your intuition and to live by it is your healing journey home. It is what will change your perception of why you think you have this dis~ease. It is your courage, your trust, your path to self~empowerment.

Learning to not go against the compass of your soul is a beautiful thing. Learning to stop seeing outside of your greatness is the most powerful life tool to learn.

There are so many many ways out there to make money from using the name Rosacea it sickens me. When all is needed is you to be your own guru, learn to trust your intuition to your freedom or I AM.

🌟 How is your relationship with your intuition?

Jo 💚

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