I am blown away with how many people will sign up to a course of laser treatment, or put themselves a strict beige diet, believe the sun...
Who will heal your face? You will.
What Rosacea can do to us.
"The treasure that you seek is the least place you want to look"
Rosacea taught me that I was the dis-ease.
Choose Yourself
Rosacea freedom Journey
Avoidance is real for many Rosacea sufferers can you relate?
Empty Your Cup
You Know the reason you have it. And you know how to cure it. #Rosacea
Rosacea sufferers are warriors. I have meet so many. We have a uniqueness a warrior energy.
Understanding your Power to heal will heal YOU.
Why Work With Jo
Rosacea is to awaken you NOT make you Suffer
Rosacea Needs YOU
IT’S time to love yourself WHOLE.
Healing is not Linear
My intuition is my Guru.
Rosacea & Eating
Blaming Rosacea for your suffering