I was just tagged in this post by a follower on Instagram and love that this quote prompted her to think of me as it is right up my street and so true. 🙌🏽
Avoidance fuels our face and that stiff upper lip or hiding behind smiles or saying ‘everything is fine’ when you feel it not.
Avoidance! I was a pro at.
Avoidance I had a hard relationship with my mum
Avoidance that I could cope fine even though my dad had been killed
Avoidance that I was suppressing my feelings
Avoidance of low self-worth and never feeling good enough
Avoidance of the way I really felt
Avoidance that I was a workaholic to avoid my pain
The list could go on...........
As soon as I got up close and personal with my true feelings and repetitive thoughts it gave me the power to embrace life in a different way. MY WAY.

Q. Can you resonate with any of this?